We joined a postcard exchange with some NAMI buddies. Here is Lillian working on her postcards. We used painters tape & watercolors. Here are the finished cards. Phoebe used paints, but her process was too messy to catch on camera: Here are some of the cards we received today:
The Easter bunny is finally going to make an appearance at the Navin household now that Lillian is 3 (this age rocks!!) Instead of baskets that would go unused the rest of the year I decided to make Easter bags for the girls. Lillian's is the red & Phoebe's is the green. Lillian's has since had a button added to it- the button she picked out when I made her come along to purchase some craft items. Somehow Lillian picked the most expensive single button ($1.59). I'll update with the button later...
Well, here we go again. I have joined another swap- the Easter swap. I'm hoping to put the goodies received into the girls' Easter baskets. And I've decided for this swap I'm going to make puppets for one of my slots. I saw puppets at our pediatirican's office that I thought I could make and then found the picture here: http://images.landofnod.com/is/image/LandOfNod/3710122_AnimalPuppets_F108?$zm$
Here is the first attempt to make the monkey (which I figured would be the easiest) I obviously need to trim the strings and I think I should probably top-stitch it but even with those things it's not quite as I had hoped it would be.
I think I'm going to look into making a chick using this as a guide